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Original factory 1:35 XCMG RP1005T diecast paver model alloy engineering machinery model for gift, toys

  • $96.00 $169.00
  • Marke: XCMG
  • Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

Original factory 1:35 XCMG RP1005T diecast paver model alloy engineering machinery model for gift, toys Features: The tracks are rotate easily by hand and they have moving scrapers at one...

Stichworte: 1:35 XCMG paver model , Diecast road paver model factory , Diecast scale paver models , Diecast wirtgen road paver model , high quality road paver miniatures , Original factory 1:35 XCMG RP1005T diecast paver model alloy engineering machinery model for gift , Road paver model manufacturer , Scale paver model replica , sell diecast vogele paver model , XCMG construction machinery model

Original factory 1:35 XCMG RP1005T diecast paver model alloy engineering machinery model for gift, toys


  • The tracks are rotate easily by hand and they have moving scrapers at one end.
  • The screed can be raised and lowered.It is extendible for width.
  • The hopper sides can be closed in fully, and the leading flap can be raised and lowered.
  • The roof can be lowered to reduce the headroom for transport. However, the screed is permanently configured to a wide setting
  • The paintwork and graphics are excellent.
  • sIZE: 185*220*120MM

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